November 2021
November is Men’s Health Awareness Month and each year our senior boys take part in the worldwide phenomenon that is Movember. Our S5 and S6 boys as well as some male staff took up this challenge with gusto this year in an attempt to grow the best moustache. Aside from this already formidable challenge, the young men (and some of our lovely ladies) and staff chose from a number of gruelling activities such as running, walking, swimming and/or cycling 60km over the entire month and/or performing 60 pushups or situps every day to represent awareness for the 60 male suicides that occur every hour.
Our QVS community came to the party in raising awareness on this important topic and we were able to surpass our target donations of £250 by more than double! All proceeds went directly to the Movember Foundation. Well done to all the boys and men who participated and thank you to everyone who donated to this wonderful cause.

On the back of the Mustache growing, our senior monitor, Aidan Horsburgh, organised a fun-filled day of ‘Mo-Madness’ to raise more funds for the Movember Foundation. Activities included hoola-hoop marathons and limbo!