OV, Richard McConnell, joined us on Monday, 28 November, to share his experience of summiting the mighty Mount Everest with our students. Richard successfully summited Mount Everest on the 12th of May at 6:15 Nepal time, waving the QVS banner.

It was fantastic to hear about the big adventure in person and all the more special for the current students to hear about this trip from a fellow Victorian. Richard presented our headmaster, Mr Shaw, with the QVS flag that he flew at the top of Everest which he had framed especially to commemorate his achievement.

Our students thoroughly enjoyed his presentation and it was a special moment when Richard was able to meet a few of his old teachers and it was lovely to hear him giving Mr Shannon, our now-retired head of CCF and Technology, a shout-out as being the person who got him into the great outdoors and inspired his love of adventure.
A big thank you to Richard for his inspiring talk and for sharing his experience with all of us.