November 2021
On Sunday, 14 November, the school held a moving Drumhead Remembrance Ceremony and Parade. This parade is one of the most important in the school’s calendar due to our links to the armed forces. After not being on parade for a good couple of months, our students truly did the QVS community, and their families, very proud. We welcomed Deputy Lord Lieutenant Robin Iffla MBD DL as our reviewing officer and he lay a wreath on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. Anyone in the role of Lord-Lieutenant or Deputy is a representative of the Palace when on official business and it was an honour having him at our parade. It was also the first parade that our P7s were in attendance at and they kept a keen eye on the proceedings in preparation for their Rookies Parade which will be held in March. Thank you to all those who attended the parade and gave their support for our wonderful Victorians.