November 2021
At 11h00 on Thursday, 11 November 2021, our school shared two minutes of silence in remembrance of those who have served our nation and lost their lives in doing so. Our Act of Remembrance was organised by School Sergeant Major, Mr David Stacey MBE and took place outside the front of the school at the flagpole. The end of our silence was marked by a beautiful lament played by our own, Robert Russell. Currently flanking the flagpole are our two Remembrance Trees which have been adorned with poppies and messages of remembrance by Mrs Hiddleston and her Trenchard Tuttees. We will be commemorating Remembrance Day further on Sunday with our annual Remembrance Day Parade. Parades such as this hold a special place in the heart of Victorians as all our pupils are sons and daughters of Armed Forces families. Did you know that the school was originally opened to house boys who lost their fathers in the South African Wars?