Every year our P7 group work hard on putting on a nativity themed play just before we break for the Christmas Holidays. Back in the day, before Covid, these performances entertained students, parents, and teachers alike and this year was the first time since 2019 that our P7s had the chance to perform live to a small group of staff and siblings.

This year, the chosen play was Who? by Dave Corbett and it tells the story of Dr Who and Dr What, time travellers, on their mission to discover the meaning of Christmas. Along their journey, they visit a Christmas Shop, Cracker Factory, and a Pantomime before deciding to travel back in time to witness the birth of Jesus.
Our P7s certainly outdid themselves and worked hard at remembering their lines and songs. Their performances were thoroughly enjoyed by all who watched it and we are hoping to be able to enjoy a full audience in December ’22!