Mathematics is important in our everyday life. It equips us with the skills we need to analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.

The Mathematics Department consists of three full-time teachers and our Headmaster. We believe and strive to ensure that every pupil reaches their full potential in Mathematics. All pupils have an active role in every Mathematics lessons; we ensure this through the use of high-quality Active Learning and Teaching techniques, such as:
- Use of digital technology to enhance learning through the use of Interactive Whiteboards and Chromebooks.
- The use of mini-whiteboards and handsets to increase participation for all, and for formative assessment.
- Collaborative tasks, which allow pupils to work in small groups to discuss and solve Mathematics problems.
- Class discussions using Higher-Order Questioning techniques.
- Mathematics competitions and trips; S1 Maths Challenge, S2 Maths Challenge, Junior UKMT Maths Challenge and S1 Wind Farm trip.
- Well planned curriculum, which builds pupils’ understanding and relates Mathematics to real-life situations.

Curriculum for Excellence
In the Junior Phase, the pupils will be working on Level 2, Level 3 or Level 4. Each year is split into three classes and they are placed in a class depending on their previous attainment in Mathematics. The maximum in any class is normally twenty pupils, however, when possible, pupils requiring additional support are placed in a smaller class, often with less than ten pupils. This allows us to give extra help and support which is very beneficial in raising confidence and skills in Mathematics.
In the Senior Phase, the aim is for every pupil to leave school having reached their potential and having obtained the highest National Qualification in Mathematics, appropriate to their ability. The Mathematics Department offers the following courses; National 3 Lifeskills, National 4 Mathematics, National 5 Application of Mathematics, Higher Mathematics and Advanced Higher Mathematics.

Departmental Vision Statement
Adding to the future of our learners.