At Queen Victoria School, Physical Education plays a vital role in developing and refining the four capacities of the Curriculum for Excellence.

We aim to not only encourage our pupils to develop knowledge, understanding and skills across a wide range of activities but also to challenge each individual to reflect and consider the Significant Aspects of Learning that are embedded in our planning.
As successful learners, the pupils learn both independently and as part of a team or group. This takes place through a well-balanced and varied program of activities. Our aim is to equip each pupil with the necessary knowledge and skills so that their understanding of movement principles and fitness that underpin quality performances is secure.
Our syllabus provides many opportunities for the pupils to effectively contribute throughout their time at the school. Through team games, coach education, Sports Leader programmes, peer assessment, the pupils learn to communicate effectively, solve problems, and work collaboratively. These are all skills that are transferable and important in life and work later on.
One of our main aims is to ensure that each individual is confident in their own ability and through Physical Education we look to ensure that pupils’ confidence can be significantly enhanced through a sense of physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing and self-respect stemming from their participation in PE. This will often include experiences that help to develop their psycho-motor skills.

We look to enable pupils to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle. Pupils have opportunities to achieve in a wide range of different physical activities which include gymnastics, individual, team, fitness and water-based experiences.
We look to greatly influence the degree to which pupils develop confidence by ensuring that the pupils’ experience includes opportunities for guided discovery, problem-solving, peer and self-assessment and individualised learning. Pupils respond positively and gain confidence from these varied approaches.
As responsible citizens, our pupils are enabled to participate responsibly in and contribute to the sporting and social life of our school and community. We look to instil an appreciation and respect for contributions made by others and that the students learn to participate responsibly in all activities. Through taking part in a variety of physical and health-promoting experiences, pupils develop the resilience to appreciate the outcomes of competition, for example, the emotions involved in winning or losing. They learn how to be ‘good sports’. They are helped to recognise that participation has a positive impact on improving performance and is part of an ongoing learning process. Pupils are also given the opportunity to recognise and cope more effectively with risk and handle such experiences in a mature and responsible manner.

Senior Phase Physical Education
In S4, pupils can then opt to take Physical Education as a National Qualification. The main purpose of the course is to develop and demonstrate movement and performance skills in physical activities. By engaging in practical activities, pupils can demonstrate initiative, decision-making and problem-solving. The National 4 and 5 course encourages pupils to develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, and the contribution that physical activity makes to this. The Course also provides an opportunity to support the way that individual attitudes, values and behaviours are formed. The skills, knowledge and understanding that pupils acquire by successfully completing this course are transferable to learning, to life and to the world of work.
In S5 and S6, the pupils can then move onto Higher and Advanced Higher courses, allowing them to benefit both intrinsically and extrinsically from a demanding, challenging environment.