Welcome to the Primary Department where we aim to provide a secure and happy environment for pupils just beginning their Queen Victoria School journey.
In the care of Mrs Adams and Miss Hastie, P7 pupils hold a unique position at Queen Victoria School and are privileged to be taught by both Primary and Secondary teachers.
Our two full-time Primary Staff teach; Numeracy, Literacy, Social Subjects, PSHE, Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and Outdoor Learning. In addition, P7 are taught Languages, Art, RME, P.E and Piping/Drumming/Dancing (PDD) out with the Primary Department.
As most of our pupils start their Queen Victoria School journey in P7, it is a year where we ensure that learning is consolidated and all pupils are reaching their full potential.
We work closely with the Secondary Departments throughout the year creating programmes that will develop essential skills and will enhance all pupils’ educational journey. This will ensure all pupils have a smooth and confident transition to the Senior School.
In the Primary Department we emphasise the skills needed for future learning and encourage the pupils to be successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), allows pupils to make connections to the wider world of work and identify skills and qualities required for work. Pupils also focus on a Financial Education Enterprise Project, which links to a variety of key aspects for DYW. We visit the Museum on the Mound and are visited by an RBS Money Sense Advisor offering a variety of money workshops.
All P7 pupils participate in the Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS) which is a progressive learning programme for young people. Each pupil will receive recognition in four key areas; My Interests, Me and My World, Adventure and Get Active, Stay Active. By the end of P7, all pupils will have achieved their Silver Award and would look to continue with their Gold Award in S1 and S2.

In the winter term the P7’s perform a Christmas Play for staff, pupils and parents; a real highlight of their year in the Primary Department.
During the Summer Term, a special event in the diary is the Rookies Parade, celebrating all P7 pupils becoming Victorians. P7 Pupils work extremely hard for this parade alongside Mr Stacey, our School Sergeant Major. Educational visits and trips are a vital part of the Primary experience with topics being brought to life outside the classroom.
Our Social Subject topics include Dunblane and QVS, Space, Science experiments linking to Biology, Chemistry and Physics, The Life of Robert Burns, Election week, topics selected through pupil voice and topics which focus on current interests such as the Olympics and Commonwealth Games.
Trips and School visits include; Glasgow Science Centre, Museum on the Mound, RBS Money sense Workshop and Blair Drummond Safari Park.

A key event in the P7 diary is the three day team building programme led by Map Adventures that occurs at the start of the academic year. This provides all pupils with the opportunity to try new activities and learn new skills. It encourages them to bond as a year group and helps them settle into boarding school life. The pupils participate in a variety of activities such as kayaking, raft building, rock climbing, archery, fire safety and exciting team building challenges which usually bring smiles to many faces!
Through experiences such as these, pupils increase their social skills, confidence and learn to work cooperatively with each other.
We hope that every P7 pupil enjoys a stimulating, enjoyable and memorable time in the Primary Department.